Hi there,
Hope everyone is well and enjoying this final stretch of summer. I can’t believe the kids are already back to school and returning once again, to the old routine.
Speaking of routine, I wanted to talk a bit about the importance of changing up your workouts and getting out of your training rut. I for one, can often feel burnt out or uninspired with my workouts, unless I change them up every once in a while. I typically alter my resistance training programs when the seasons change.
Summer time, I’m all about getting lean and staying lean so my workouts reflect that. What I mean is that I train with slightly less weight, less rest time between sets and often, will perform full body workouts instead of the traditional splits that I follow over the fall and winter months. My warm weather workouts ideally maintain an elevated heart rate which promotes fat burning and maximum calorie expenditure. I’m not focused on muscle building at this time; that comes over the cold winter months.
Once the weather cools off, I begin to increase my weights, and change my training back to splits. A split is when we divide the body/muscle groups into separate training days so that we can dedicate an entire 45 – 60 min to that particular muscle group(s). For example, I like to group back and shoulders together and bi’s and tri’s on their own, while both chest and legs require separate training days. They’re big muscle groups and need alot of attention.
Yes, this type of training requires frequent visits to the gym, but it also yields great results. I perform 4 solid working sets, performing anywhere from 8 – 12 reps with about one to one and a half minutes of rest between sets. We’re in the building phase here, adding weight with each set, so your body needs time to recover and prepare for the next load.
So, if you’re feeling bored and unenthusiastic about your workouts or you’re not seeing the results you’d hoped for, give this training regimen a try. It’s not easy but then again, nothing worth having, is easy. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.…because that’s just not true!!
Remember, if you can’t do it alone, I’m always here to help you reach your goals.
Next post, is all about cardio!
Good luck!!