Ouch! Shin splints are the worst!
Last Sunday, with the mild temperatures finally arriving, I decided to enjoy my long run outdoors. I figured it was about time to take it to the road and hope that my nagging left hip injury (it’s nice and quiet these days) wouldn’t rear its ugly head again. So out I went on a nice 16 k run around the neighbourhood, complete with a few good hills.
From the get go, my body felt great. Legs were strong, hips were happy and my glutes felt loose and comfy. All good throughout the 16k and well into the remainder of the day and night. Sure, my legs felt a bit fatigued but I was pain-free and thrilled that I could once again enjoy running outdoors.
Unfortunately, because I felt so good, I decided that icing wasn’t necessary. Big mistake!
Yesterday, I awoke to the worst case of shin splints that I have ever experienced. The worst pain was felt while walking, so teaching my usual Monday roster of classes wasn’t really a problem. Thankfully, my yoga class couldn’t have come at a better time. Although the shins weren’t exactly an area of concentration, the rhythmic breathing and fluid stretching of the body helped to take my mind off of the searing pain in my shins.
My evening was spent lying on the couch with my trusty ice bag and hoping that Tuesday would bring some relief.
So, here we are on Tuesday and guess what? Shin splints till remain. Tuesday is my interval/speed run day, so I was a bit nervous that my shins weren’t going to be very accommodating but to my surprise, I ran completely pain free! Again, the worst pain came when I walked and so I was able to once again teach my classes without any discomfort. It was the walking to and from the car that made me cry!!
So here I am now, with my ice bag, sharing my sorrows with all of you.
So why am I suffering from shin splints? Well, I know I’m a heel striker and the treadmill definitely provides alot more cushioning than the road. I could try and change my stride but I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon. I think this week should be a bit better, as my body adapts to the harder surface. Regardless, I’m just happy to be back pounding the pavement, so to speak. Running, you could say, is my other addiction. (next to cycling and peanut butter, that is!)
Have a great night everyone! Check back for another weekly workout!