Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Shake, Shake, Shake and a Bowl of Oats!

Yes, it’s finally here! My very first blog posting!

So now that I hope­fully have someone’s atten­tion (hi every­one!!), I’ve decided to address the very impor­tant topic of post-​workout nutri­tion. I’m often asked by my many won­der­ful clients and stu­dents (shout out to Dun­field and Bloor St. Extreme mem­bers! You guys are awe­some!), what they should eat after one of my gru­elling but oh so fun work­outs. Did I men­tion I teach boot­camp, mus­cle, core and spin­ning at Extreme Fit­ness, through­out the GTA?

Today at Dun­field was a good one, as always — 45 min of hard cycling with zero rest stops.…Any­ways, I digress; back to fuelling your body after a workout.

Most impor­tantly, pro­tein, and in a liq­uid form prefer­ably, so that it is absorbed quickly into your blood­stream and the repair and re-​building process can begin. Ide­ally, you want to con­sume your pro­tein shake (did I men­tion it’s a shake?) imme­di­ately fol­low­ing or within 30 min­utes of your workout.

My go-​to shake right now is GNC’s Pro Per­for­mance Brand.

I really like the french vanilla cream flavour (with a hand­ful of frozen straw­ber­ries!)

but there are a vari­ety of oth­ers to choose from. Chocolate’s always tasty, espe­cially with a frozen banana blended in. Yum!

I rec­om­mend blend­ing your shake with ice water to keep the calo­ries down. I’m not a big fan of dairy, but we’ll get to that topic at a later date.

So, now that you have the pro­tein piece nailed, it’s time to talk about CARBS. Yes, I do eat CARBS, just not all day long and a select group. No, I’m not a saint but if you want to reduce the puffi­ness and soft­ness of your body (that’s what you guys all tell me!), then you need to pay atten­tion to the carbs that you’re eat­ing on a daily basis. Post-​workout is the very BEST time to con­sume them because the glyco­gen (a fancy term for energy) stores in your cells are now depleted. The job of car­bo­hy­drates is to replen­ish them and get your body fuelled up for the next work­out.

So, what do I eat? My favourite post-​workout carb is a big bowl (1÷2 cup, raw) of oat­meal, with a dash of cin­na­mon. I some­times add a sprin­kle of splenda (yep, I do use sweet­en­ers, just not in excess). Other times, I might have a banana, 1 cup of berries, 2 slices of sprouted grain bread (Ezekial or Stonemill’s really good).

So there you have it, pro­tein and carbs imme­di­ately after your work­out. No excuses. If you’re on the go like me (and I know most of you are), grab a shaker bot­tle; add your scoop of pro­tein to ice water, quick shake and enjoy. Don’t for­get your carbs — fruit is portable and delicious!

One last thing before I say good­bye, and that is to try and keep fats out of your post work­out meal. Remem­ber, we want our body to absorb pro­tein and carbs as quickly as pos­si­ble and fats (healthy, of course), actu­ally slow down the diges­tive process.They’re won­der­ful through­out the day, for exactly that rea­son but not so great after a workout.

I’d love to hear from all of you but you need to login first to join my com­mu­nity of friends and inter­act with me and oth­ers. All of your ques­tions and com­ments are always welcome!!!
