Hello there,
Today I wanted to share with you some information about sport nutrition from an individual who definitely knows a thing or two about the benefits of fueling your body properly. His name is Brendan Brazier and he is a former professional Ironman triathlete and two-time Canadian 50km Ultra Marathon Champion. He is now a successful performance nutrition consultant and formulator of the award-winning line of plant-based Vega nutritional products.
Although I don’t prescribe to a vegan diet, I do recognize and support the importance of including a large portion of plant based foods into my daily diet. His website is a fantastic resource for training and nutrition, not only for endurance athletes but for anyone interested in fitness and health. This link below provides an excellent overview of the complex world of proper sports nutrition, which I still find, is the most difficult piece of the training puzzle.
His recipes are also really good, even if you’re not a strict vegan. I especially like his energy bar recipes which are easy to prepare and made with wholesome, good quality carbohydrates. These two in particular, are really good and they freeze well too!
Happy training!