Hello there,
Today, after teaching a sports conditioning class, one of the members came up to me and paid me the ultimate compliment. She said,” I used to be really intimidated taking your class because it was always very difficult and I didn’t feel like I was fit enough to participate. But then I decided to just go ahead and do my best and not worry about anyone else. I also listened to what you repeated over and over again in the class and that was, to do as much as you can, rest when you need to, and come back for a few more reps.”
That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get fit. If you’ve been taking classes where you barely break a sweat or are able to do everything with ease then I hate to tell you, you are wasting your time and efforts. The only way to get stronger is to constantly challenge your body. It might mean adding weights with each set, cutting your recovery time between sets, changing the tempo of your reps, including a variety of intervals, speedwork and hill climbing into your rides and runs.…the list goes on and on. Whatever you do, don’t continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. That truly is the definition of insanity!
Now get out there and kick some butt!!