Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.


Hi everyone,

Sorry it’s been awhile since my last blog.…

Today I’d like to chat about shift­ing your train­ing into gear, now that the warmer weather has finally arrived.

As you know, win­ter train­ing typ­i­cally is referred to as off or post-​race sea­son. Dur­ing the fall, after months of either rac­ing or high inten­sity train­ing, the body is in need of repair and recov­ery. Not only phys­i­cally do we need the break, but men­tally, it’s impor­tant to relax a bit and dial the work­outs down. This helps to pre­vent burnout and impor­tantly, injuries.

As a spin instruc­tor and cycling enthu­si­ast, I focus my win­ter work­outs around aer­o­bic base build­ing or long endurance rides which keep the heart rate mod­er­ate and steady. How­ever, once the miles have been logged, come Spring, we’re ready to dial up the inten­sity and work in some tough inter­val train­ing. There are lots of dif­fer­ent ways to intro­duce inter­vals into your work­outs, whether it be run­ning, cycling, and even resis­tance train­ing. Check out the link below for some cre­ative ways to amp up your indoor cycling work­outs. Hope­fully, though, we’ll be out on the road soon.…

The key how­ever with inter­val train­ing is to ensure that your high inten­sity zone is HIGH! Be sure to time the inter­vals and push as hard as you can. Train­ing with a heart rate mon­i­tor will help you to work within the rec­om­mended zones.


On another note, I tried a new paleo friendly bread that it dead sim­ple and full of healthy fats while free of flour, eggs and dairy. I baked mine free-​form on parch­ment paper instead of in a loaf pan. It kind of looks more like a flat­bread but is totally deli­cious either way.

I like it toasted with almond but­ter, before I head out for a run. Hope you like it!



