Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.


Hard Body Workout


change up your workout

Hi there,

Hope every­one is well and enjoy­ing this final stretch of sum­mer. I can’t believe the kids are already back to school and return­ing once again, to the old routine.

Speak­ing of rou­tine, I wanted to talk a bit about the impor­tance of chang­ing up your work­outs and get­ting out of your train­ing rut. I for one, can often feel burnt out or unin­spired with my work­outs, unless I change them up every once in a while. I typ­i­cally alter my resis­tance train­ing pro­grams when the sea­sons change.


Read more: change up your workout

YouTube work­out videos

Hi there,

Now that the sum­mer is almost over, I can now share with you a col­lec­tion of videos that I posted solely on YouTube for a client of mine.

They are, as always, tough and chal­leng­ing. Let me know how it goes!


Good luck!!


Another Full Body Workout


Sta­bil­ity Ball Workout


Fit and Strong Workout
