Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Baked Falafel

Hi all,

I’m back from a week’s hol­i­day at the cot­tage and what a won­der­ful time we had! I think we expe­ri­enced the very best week of weather this sum­mer. Every morn­ing, we awoke to blue, sunny skies and warm tem­per­a­tures. Cycling, run­ning and swim­ming were on the menu but of course, lots of deli­cious, healthy meals too!

Lately, I’ve been mov­ing away from my daily animal-​based pro­tein meals and more towards plant based meals, such as beans and legumes. My energy level is through the roof, per­haps due to the increased car­bo­hy­drate intake.

Last night, I made oven-​baked falafel with tahini sauce and a sum­mer fresh Israeli salad. Every­one gave the meal two thumbs up! It’s dead sim­ple but requires a bit of plan­ning as you’ll need to soak your dried chick­peas overnight. Canned beans are not an option here.

Check out the link below for the recipe. I did make a few tweaks.…I added 2 Tbsp olive oil, 12 cup fresh pars­ley, the zest of 12 lemon, and chick­pea flour instead of white.

