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Chicken Stir-​Fry with Shi­rataki Noodles

Hi everyone,

Here is the recipe for Chicken Stir­fry with Shi­rataki Noo­dles which I promised to share. It’s really easy and feel free to use what­ever veg­eta­bles you have on hand.

For the marinade:

2 Tbsp Chi­nese black bean and gar­lic sauce

2 Tbsp chili gar­lic sauce

2 Tbsp water

2 Tbsp cornstarch


1 Tbsp canola oil

45 bone­less skin­less chicken breasts, cut into thin strips

23 cups veg­eta­bles, cut into bite-​sized pieces. I used pep­pers, broc­coli, cau­li­flower and carrots

2 pkg (7 oz) shi­rataki noo­dles, rinsed and drained

3 green onions, chopped


3 table­spoon oys­ter sauce

3 Tbsp chili gar­lic sauce

1 tea­spoon sesame oil

Pinch of sugar

2 table­spoons cornstarch

2 table­spoons water

You may need to add another tbsp each of corn­starch and water, to thicken sauce


Mar­i­nate chicken at least 4 hours or prefer­ably overnight.

In a hot wok or skil­let, add 1 Tbsp canola oil. When oil is hot, add chicken and cook until browned. Chicken does not need to be cooked through as it will cook once it’s returned back to the stirfry.

Remove from pan and set aside.

Mix sauce ingre­di­ents in a small bowl.

Return pan to medium — high heat and add veg­eta­bles with about 2 Tbsp sauce. Stir veg­eta­bles around and cover for about 3 min­utes or until slightly softened.

Uncover pan and add chicken and noo­dles, toss­ing every­thing together. Push ingre­di­ents to one side of the pan and add sauce, bring­ing mix­ture to boil. Once sauce thick­ens, remove from heat, add green onions and serve.
