Help­ing you to eat well, train smart and live happy.

Sen­sa­tional Sum­mer Coleslaw

Hi everyone,

Hope you’re all enjoy­ing this won­der­ful weather! I love the sum­mer, espe­cially when it includes loads of casual out­door bbq’s. Who doesn’t enjoy kick­ing back and dig­ging into some­thing won­der­fully deli­cious, hot off the grill? My favourite is prob­a­bly a per­fectly cooked salmon filet although I do love chicken cooked a mil­lion dif­fer­ent ways too! And who can resist grilled veg­gies??? I throw just about every kind of veg­etable on the grill and use the left­overs in my sal­ads through­out the week. Some of my faves include, vidalia onions, egg­plant, zuc­chini and pep­pers. All they need is a gen­er­ous splash of a good qual­ity bal­samic vine­gar before serv­ing, and they’re ready to go. So yummy.

The other night, I made a really tasty coleslaw that I thought you might like to try. It’s sim­ple, healthy and really good. The per­fect addi­tion to any out­door meal. Enjoy!

Sen­sa­tional Sum­mer Coleslaw


2 cups shred­ded Napa cabbage

2 cups shred­ded red cabbage

6 green onions, chopped

1 mango, peeled and diced

1 green chili pep­per, minced

12 cup dry roasted peanuts

12 cup fresh chopped cilantro

14 cup fresh chopped mint

2 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds


6 Tbsp toasted sesame oil

6 Tbsp unsea­soned rice vinegar

2 Tbsp honey

1 tsp Asian chile gar­lic sauce

2 Tbsp grated fresh ginger

Com­bine cab­bage, onions, mango and chile in a mix­ing bowl.

Com­bine dress­ing ingre­di­ents in a glass jar and seal the lid tighlty. Shake well and taste for seasoning.

Pour dress­ing over salad and toss to combine.

Add peanuts, raisins and fresh herbs, toss again. Cover and refrig­er­ate for 24 hours.

Sprin­kle with sesame seeds before serving.

Serves 68
